wer kennt sie nicht, die jutesäcke oder t-shirts, die cafetennah verhökert werden? natürlich wieder die eskimos, sorri, die inuit. so we need more publicity, more marketing, more merchandising! the creme-de-la-creme of
international students will come, proud, fleissig, intelligent, rich, pünktlich, brav+ordentlich. the step to an
exzellenzcluster would be the logische folge.
it is a very simple rechnung: munich (münchen,minga) got 2 (two!) exzellenzclusters, leuchttürme, obwohl there is no deich, aber many tümpels and hügels. believe me, if there were not a killer-anwendung for the
foreign students+lehrkörper, nobody would have been ever aware of this bayernkaff with a king ernannt through a deppert french king by verrat...
i tell you what, this killer-application, quasi a schlüssel-qualification, is well bekannt as: the
oktoberfest. so make here beerparty and the world will join. ok. let´s do it.
now look, fc bayern lebt from merchandising, why not uni osnabrück? it would be a veritable geldquelle, a goldesel. first produce some beer mugs with uni osnabrück-logo on it and popularität+money will come. forget the "
no-logo"-campaign, all lamers. image ist alles! uni-osnabrück-logos on everything: t-shirts, bags, schals, unterhosens, caps, mugs, bierdeckels, wimpels, autos, mülltonnens, even elite-abi-feten. i see entscheidungsworkshops for the unwilligen schülers. the best will get uos beermugs soviel they can carry.
you must do something, egal what. the label "uos" has not yet it´s greatness
in the world.
just look back in history when osnabrück was the hometown of the
mother of all cottons. yeah! many working people wore cloth called "
osnaburgs" in building up our holy america, all trying to get rich. we can learn from them. their nachfahren all know noch the trademark "
they will remember the glory days...it´s so simple. today we will make them need the cloth worn by their ancients - that was really cool. höhö. i see musicvideo rapping about osnaburg-rap-hosen with uni osnaburg beermugs in hands. cool! yo man.
let´s have a look at the vorbild of harvard an der hase called
the harvard trademark program. not so innovativ like our vision. schade. yes, them are amateurs.
we laugh at them.
just one small problem: perhaps we got to get the trademark from some poor people in a reserve called
new-osnaburg. i think a palette of uos-beer-mugs would do it. prost :-)